Visit one of the databases below and follow the steps:
Mergent Online
Provides U.S. company data for over 15,000 public companies and their SEC filings, U.S. annual reports, plus international company data for approximately 17,000 companies, international annual reports, FactSheets, and country information.
- Search your Company and open the appropriate entry
- Under "Company Details" tab, click "Subsidiaries"
- Click "Expand All"
Bloomberg provides additional detailed data on a company's subsidiaries.
Bloomberg Terminal locations
Bloomberg terminals is a computer system for professionals in business (primarily finance) and other industries to access, monitor and analyze real-time financial market data and place trades on its electronic trading platform. The system also provides up-to-date news, price quotes, and messaging across its network.
For more help, ask the business librarian.
Updated 7/7/2020 kas