Real-life scenario: A student submits her work through Turn It In and is shocked when the results come back that the paper is highly plagiarized. She wonders how the work could be considered plagiarized when she legitimately wrote the paper herself for another class and it was fine. She got an A on it, even. Why is it "plagiarized" now?
What's happening here is something sometimes called "self-plagiarism." The terms "self-plagiarism" and "recycling" refer to reusing your own work without acknowledging that you previously published, presented, or submitted that work, or large portions of it, for a class. Obviously, you have permission from the author, so many people argue that the term "self-plagiarism" is invalid.
Regardless of whether or not you agree with the term, submitting the same work for multiple classes without permission of the instructor is forbidden by the Georgia State University Academic Honesty Policy and is subject to disciplinary action. In most cases, students are expected to create original work for each class. (It's how you grow!) Sometimes it is appropriate for students to expand on their previous work, but it is still appropriate to acknowledge the previous work.
The Academic Honesty Policy states:
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