A permalink is a URL (web address) that will take you back to a specific webpage or article. When you want to save the URL for a particular article or put it in a webpage/iCollege, look for the permalink for that article.
Why not just copy the hyperlink in the address bar?
When you use many of our research databases, including the Discover search and EBSCO databases, the URL displayed in the address bar is particular to that session. Copying and reusing that link later will not get you back to the same page. Instead, look for a "permalink" icon among the tools on the page. The permalink should get you back to the same page. Permalinks to GSU library resources will prompt users for their GSU credentials when necessary to be in compliance with our licensing agreements.
For many databases, one way to easily get the permalink is to email the article information to yourself. It may also give you an option to email a copy of the article.
For more help, ask a librarian.
update 6/29/2020 kas