GSU Library canceled the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Country Reports and Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) ViewsWire database subscriptions on 12/31/2020 due to low usages.
Older EIU publications until December 31, 2018, are available via Factiva. These EIU publications include Risk Briefing, Executive Briefing, Country Commerce, and ViewWire.
Here are the alternative sources you can use in place of EIU:
Country reports via Business Source Complete provides country risk or country reports from several publishers such as the PRS (Political Risk Service), CountryWatch, Global Insight, and Marketline.
Country Reports via GlobalEdge provides statistical data for nearly every country around the world, including statistics, historical, economic, and political conditions.
BMI Industry Insights via Factiva: provides analysis, forecasts, and company profiles in various industries with a country-by-country focus, covering the key trends impacting global markets.
Passport provides statistics, analysis, reports, surveys, and breaking news on industries, countries, and consumers worldwide.
OECD iLibrary provides access to OECD’s published books and journals, statistics, analysis, and data on the OECD member countries.
Factiva provides essential business news and information combined with content delivery tools and services to help users make better business decisions
EconLit provides citations and abstracts dating back to 1886 and full-text articles in economic fields such as capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, urban economics, and more.
World Bank Data provides open access to a comprehensive set of data about development in countries around the globe. The World Bank Data site is meant to provide all users with improved access to World Bank data and to make that data easy to find and use.
World Development Indicators– A data source on the global economy, featuring statistical data on development indicators and time series data from 1960 to the present. The data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators.
Please contact our Business Librarian if you need additional help finding country risk or country reports.