Answered By: Jason Puckett
Last Updated: Jul 28, 2020     Views: 1132

Yes, most materials checked out at Georgia State University can be renewed online through your library account. Some items can't be renewed though, like calculators and chromebooks.

To renew an item, first access your library account from the library homepage or the library catalog. Login with your campus ID and password (it's the same as what you use to login to iCollege or your GSU email). 

Your library account information will display, similar to what's shown in the image below. Select the loans tab. From there, you can renew all eligible items or renew individual items. Items without a renew option are not eligible for renewal. 

a library accounts page example with the loans tab and renewal option highlighted 


4. A message will appear about the status of your renewals. In the example image below, the first one was successful and the new due date is displayed. For those that did not successfully renew, a reason is given in red. 

loans page after renewal with successful renewal and two denied renewals 


For more help, ask a librarian or visit your campus library service desk.


updated 6/25/20 MM

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