Answered By: Library Reference
Last Updated: Aug 03, 2020     Views: 904

Yes! Off-campus access to GSU libraries electronic resources (i.e., eBooks, databases, streaming video, etc.) is available to currently enrolled students, currently employed faculty and staff, and retirees who have active GSU campus IDs. 

You need your Campus ID and password for off-campus access. (Your Campus ID and password are the same as your iCollege login and email login information). When you click on a resource, you'll be taken to a page similar to the one shown below. Enter your Campus ID and password and you'll be able to access the resource.  

screenshot of Georgia State University please log in box 

If you difficulties with logging into library resources, contact a librarian. 

If you have difficulties retrieving your Campus ID or password, see the Campus ID Password Manager.


updated 6/30/2020 kas