Answered By: Library Reference
Last Updated: Jan 16, 2024     Views: 752

The location of a particular thesis or dissertation depends on a couple of things: its date and location of publication. 

If you're looking for a Georgia State University thesis or dissertation before 2005, the library may have a copy in print in either our general or special collections. These can be found by searching our catalog. If you know the author's full name, that can be the simplest way to find it. If you know only the topic, Atlanta, for example, you can search for that, then use the Genre/Form limiter on the left side of the page to select either Academic Theses (for master's degree) or Academic Dissertations (for doctoral degrees). You may need to use the "show more" to see these limiters. The record for the item will show where it is within the library. 

If you’re looking for a Georgia State University thesis or dissertation after 2005please visit our FAQ on how to search through our ScholarWorks. 

If the thesis or dissertation however comes from another college or university, then the best place to start is the Dissertation & Theses database.  If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, you can then make a request through Interlibrary Loan 

For more information visit our Electronic Theses and Dissertations guide or ask a librarian. 


updated 7/6/2020 kas