GALILEO (GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online) is a collection of information databases which provide access to journals, magazines, newspapers, videos, images, and other resources to help you find reliable articles and information on your topic. Most of these information sources are not available on the open web.
Georgia State University Library subscribes to the GALILEO collection of databases as well as many other databases. (We refer to them collectively as "Research Databases.") You can access the same content that you'd find in GALILEO (and more) through the GSU Library's databases. Visit the library's homepage for the Discover search. You can do a large-scale search in the search box, or if you scroll down on the page, you can choose a specific subject area to view Databases by Subject, or you can choose a specific database (Databases by Name A-Z). When accessing the library databases from our homepage, you will be prompted for your campus ID and password -- no separate GALILEO password needed.
For more help, ask a librarian.
updated 1/5/2021 kas